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Identifying your concerns is key to tailoring your routine and unlocking your skin’s potential. Browse the most common below...
Think: under-the-skin spots, blackheads, hormonal breakouts and persistent pimples.
Oily in parts and dry in others? Combination skin can be tricky but the right routine will help you manage it.
A sign of an exciting nightlife (or a genetic quality!), under-eyes can appear puffy and with dark shadows.
Lacking in water, dehydrated skin may feel tight and lack radiance — it’s a condition that all skin types can experience.
A skin type that doesn’t produce enough sebum, meaning it struggles to retain moisture. It can feel rough and crepey.
Whether caused by congestion, dehydration or hormones —the list goes on — skin may look flat, uneven or lacklustre.
The result of extra melanin, dark spots can be caused by blemish scars, sun damage or hormones.
Skin that overproduces sebum, often making it look shiny and leading to clogged pores and frequent breakouts.
Rosacea is an inflammatory condition while redness can be caused by skin conditions or a compromised skin barrier.
Skin is prone to redness, breakouts and dryness, often as a reaction to products, weather, stress, pollution and hormones.
Affected by genetics, skin type and lifestyle, pores can appear dilated and congested — and it’s normal!
Caused by the depletion of collagen and elastin, fine lines and wrinkles arise as skin loses its strength and elasticity.
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